Help shape the strategy for developing Personal Development Plans
As a Career 4.0 Expert you can transfer your experience from your field of activity, further expand your specialized and methodological skills, and help young people to jobs and/or training positions. In addition, through your participation, you can promote entrepreneurship in your region and contribute to supporting young people in planning their professional future.
The digital collaborative platform as a reference point creates the conditions for dynamic networking in a „living“ ecosystem!

Help Mentors
You support the Mentors with your professional experience from your practice in specialized fields.
Expert Hearings
Through structured Expert Hearings you can work with the Mentors with the goal of creating an effective Personal Development Plan for the participating young people.
You support the young participants in the first steps of implementing creative business ideas by providing them with the necessary know-how!
Help to improve the necessary frameworks so that the young participants can benefit from an effective Personal Development Plan
Next Steps:
- You fill out the above form
- As soon as we are ready to start we will inform you via an email
- We will introduce the platform and schedule the first expert hearings